Friday, 6 June 2008

The First 500 miles: London to Strasbourg

Firstly, i've realised the impossibility of trying to record and convey all the things that have been making me smile, "wow", sigh, frown or dispair as we've progressed from London, through Kent, across the Channel and meandered our way along the flatest route through northern France to the German border. There's not really a story to tell as such so here's some highs and lows and memorable bits and check out the photos through the link on the left of the page.

  • 6 months in the planning and on the day of departure we were still trying to fit parts to bikes and work out what to take. It was rushed and desperate. First stop was the health clinic on Exmouth Market for my final Japanese Encephalytis jab. Second stop was trailing around cycle shops in central London trying to find Tracey a water bottle. A bit last minute to say the least.

  • My brand new Brooks saddle looked like it needed breaking in - it nearly broke me on the first 60 miles to Ashford. Next day i went out and bought a gel saddle cover and some arnica cream for my bruises.

  • Careening down the final hill from the North Downs into Dover, sun shining, sea glistening blue (i kid you not), Tracey wooping with excitement that we would be crossing the Channel. Alas she had not factored in travelling with Loser Littlewood. French fishermen had blockaded all the french ports and no ferries were sailing. We spent the night camped on the White Cliffs of Dover.

  • Having to get off and push my bike up the North Downs - and all subsequent steep hills as its so heavy. Bring on the Alps!

  • Sitting outside cafes in the old squares of St Omer, St Amand, Bethune and Metz towards the end of the day, with the sun on my face sampling local beers.

  • Going to sleep in the peaceful ancient forest of Clairmarais and waking to the dawn chorus of birds and sunlight streaming through the trees.............followed by college students piling past the tent on an orienteering exercise!

  • Tracey's hay-fever and 400 miles of hay fields!

  • After 46 miles into a headwind. Cooking dinner in a swampy wet forest under our tarpaulin in the pitch black of night in the pouring rain trying to fend off the swarm of daddy-long-legs, mosquitoes and poo slugs (so named due to their resemblance to faeces and ability to annoy), whilst Tracey laid in the tent with a period, hay-fever and numerous swelled mosquito bites.

  • Washing ourselves and clothes in rivers.

  • Tracey removing my ticks with a pair of pliers.

  • T-shirt tan.

  • A headwind that blew for a week - one day reaching 30mph so that we even had to pedal down the hills.

  • Picnic lunches in the sun.

  • Climbing over a 6 foot fence to break back into the campsite at Metz, drunk at 2.30am after being locked out.

  • Going the wrong way.

  • Being hot, sweaty and tired.

  • The joy of a hot shower and a bed.

  • Storks nesting on churches and poles in villages of pastel coloured half-timbered houses.

    • Being kept awake by huge electrical storms thundering overhead, thrashing rain on the tent and lighting bright enough to blind (and needing to go out for a piss).

    • Slowly unwinding from the stress of leaving London and waking up the enormity of the journey ahead.

    • France being shut for most of the day, except Sundays when everything is shut all of the day.

    • Tracey convincing me to grow a ridiculous "french fisherman" moustache for her amusement during desperate times.

    • Addiction to wine gums.

    • Watching deer in the evening and finding a little grass snake sleeping under a piece of tree bark.

    • The sanctuary of Fred's amazing 19th century house and barn in Melshiem and his fantastic and unwarranted hospitality.

    Wildlife seen along the way (up-dated as we go)

    One of the things I love about travel is seeing some of the wonderful creatures that live in other countries. It has also been interesting seeing the fauna and flora slowly change as we cycle from one habitat or range to another. Sometimes on long tiring stretches it is the sight of a colourful or charismatic bird that keeps my spirits up and keeps me going. I am keeping a list of noteable birds and other wildlife seen on our travels (at least those i know the names of!). The list is ordered by country so that its chronological but i'm only listing each species once.
    Watching wildlife from a bicycle has some advantages, in that we are often outdoors 24 hours a day and up at dawn when wildlife is most active. On the other hand there is nothing more frustrating than pulling to an abrubt halt, losing all your hard earned momentum only to see the arse of the creature you stopped to look at disappear into a thick forest never to be seen again, you then have to build up your speed again and catch up with Tracey who is by now a mile ahead of you and wondering where the hell you are!

    Wild Boar
    Roe Deer
    White Stork (see photo)
    Black Kite
    Black Redstart
    Marsh Warbler
    Tree Pipit
    Golden Oriole
    Swallowtail butterfly
    Purple Heron
    Montagu's Harrier
    Marsh Harrier
    Crested Newt
    Brown Hare
    Grass Snake
    Slow Worm
    Red-Crested Pochard
    Great Reed Warbler
    Marsh Frog
    Common Frog
    Red-Backed Shrike
    Roman Snail
    Little Owl
    Red Kite
    Cirl Bunting
    Crag Martin
    Red Squirrel
    Honey Buzzard
    Hooded Crow
    Italian Sparrow
    Purple Heron
    Great White Egret
    Night Heron
    Cattle Egret
    Fan-Tailed Warbler
    Marbled White Butterfly
    White Admiral Butterfly
    Alpine Swift
    Sand Lızard
    Lesser-Grey Shrike
    Tree Sparrow
    White-Tailed Eagle
    Crested Lark
    Middle-Spotted Woodpecker
    Thrush Nightingale
    Whiskered Tern
    Pygmy Cormorant
    Squacco Heron
    Short-Toed Eagle
    Black-Throated Diver
    River Turtle
    Black Stork
    Tawny Owl
    Red-rumped Swallow
    Mourning Dove
    Little Shearwater
    Egptian Vulture
    Ruddy Shelduck
    Long-Legged Buzzard
    Blue Rock Thrush
    Desert Wheatear
    Woodchat Shrike
    Rock Nuthatch
    Tawny Pipit
    Pied Wheatear
    Masked Shrike
    Ring Ouzel
    Golden Eagle
    Horned Lark
    Calandra Lark
    Rock Bunting
    Radde's Warbler
    Griffon Vulture
    Crimson-winged Finch
    Black-necked Grebe
    Slender-billed Gull
    Penduline Tit
    Orange-fronted Serin
    White-cheeked Bulbul
    Steppe Eagle
    Dark-throated Thrush
    Imperial Eagle
    Desert Lark
    Indian Pond Heron
    Indian Roller
    Pied Kingfisher
    White-throated Kingfisher
    Rose-Ringed Parakeet
    House Swift
    House Crow
    Yellow-Fronted Green Pigeon
    Red Wattled Lapwing
    Black Francolin
    Grey Francolin
    Red Spurfowl
    Grey Junglefowl
    Indian Peacock
    Lesser Whistling Duck
    Comb Duck
    Cotton Pygmy Goose
    Spot-Billed Duck
    Rufous Woodpecker
    White-Bellied Woodpecker
    Andaman Woodpecker
    Heart Spotted Woodpecker
    Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker
    Fulvous-Breasted Woodpecker
    Yellow Crowned Woodpecker
    Lesser Yellownape
    Common Flameback
    Black-rumped Flameback
    Greater Flameback
    Brown Headed Barbet
    White-cheeked Barbet
    Coppersmith Barbet
    Malarbar Grey Hornbill
    Malabar Pied Hornbill
    Stork-billed Kingfisher
    Collared Kingfisher
    Green Bee-Eater
    Blue-Tailed Bee-Eater
    Chestnut Headed Bee-Eater
    Common Hawk Cuckoo
    Oriental Cuckoo
    Asian Koel
    Greater Coucal
    Brown Coucal
    Vernal Hanging Parrot
    Alexandrine Parakeet
    Plum Headed Parakeet
    Malabar Parakeet
    Red-Breasted Parakeet
    Long-Tailed Parakeet
    Glossy Swiftlet
    Edible-Nest Swiftlet
    White-rumped needletail
    Brown-backed Needletail
    Asian Palm Swift
    Fork-Tailed Swift
    Crested Treeswift
    Brown Fish Owl
    Jungle Owlet
    Spotted Owlet
    Large Tailed Nightjar
    Jerdon's Nightjar
    Savanna/Indian Nightjar
    Green Imperial Pigeon
    Mountain Imperial Pigeon
    Oriental Turtle Dove
    Spotted Dove

    Red-Collared Dove

    Barred Cuckoo Dove

    Emerald Dove

    Pompadour Green Pigeo

    Demoiselle Crane

    Common Crane

    White-breasted Waterhen

    Purple Swamphen

    Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse

    Pintail Snipe

    Marsh Sandpiper

    Terek Sandpiper

    Temminck's Stint

    Indian Courser

    Pheasant-tailed Jacana

    Bronze-winged Jacana

    Great Thick-knee

    Small Pratincole

    Pacific Golden Plover

    Greater Sand Plover

    Yellow Wattled Lapwing

    White-Tailed Lapwing

    Arctic Skua

    Heuglin's Gull

    Pallas's Gull

    Brown-headed Gull

    Gull-billed Tern

    Caspian Tern

    River Tern

    Lesser Crested Tern

    Great Crested Tern

    Black-naped Tern


    Black Baza

    Black-Shouldered Kite

    Brahminy Kite

    White-Bellied Sea Eagle

    White-Rumped Vulture

    Long-Billed Vulture

    Red-Headed Vulture

    Pied Harrier

    Pallid Harrier



    Oriental Honey Buzzard

    Tawny Eagle

    Booted Eagle

    Changeable Hawk-Eagle

    Red-necked Falcon

    Lagger Falcon


    Little Cormorant

    Indian Cormorant

    Western Reef Egret

    Pacific Reef Egret

    Intermediate Egret

    Chinese Pond Heron

    Little Heron

    Greater Flamingo

    Lesser Flamingo

    Glossy Ibis

    Black-headed Ibis

    Black Ibis

    Great White Pelican

    Dalmatian Pelican

    Spot-billed Pelican

    Painted Stork

    Asian Openbill Stork

    Wooly-necked Stork

    Black-necked Stork

    Asian Fairy Bluebird

    Golden-Fronted Leafbird

    Rufous-Tailed Shrike

    Brown Shrike

    Bay-backed Shrike

    Long-tailed Shrike

    Southern Grey Shrike

    Rufous Treepie

    Large-billed Crow

    Ashy Woodswallow

    White-breasted Woodswallow

    Black-naped Oriole

    Black Hooded Oriole

    Large Cuckooshrike

    Small Minivet

    Scarlet Minivet

    Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrike

    White-throated Fantail

    White-browed Fantail

    Black Drongo

    Ashy Drongo

    White-bellied Drongo

    Bronzed Drongo

    Andaman Drongo

    Greater Racket-tailed Drongo

    Black-naped Monarch

    Asian Paradise-Flycatcher

    Common Iora

    Large Woodshrike

    Blue Rock Thrush

    Malabar Whistling Thrush

    Asian Brown Flycatcher

    Red-throated Flycather

    Ultramarine Flycatcher

    Verditer Flycatcher

    Tickell's Blue Flycatcher

    Grey-Headed Canary Flycatcher

    Oriental Magpie Robin

    White Rumped Shama

    Indian Robin

    Pied Bushchat

    Brown Rock-Chat

    Variable Wheatear

    Desert Wheatear

    Asian Glossy Starling

    Chestnut-Tailed Starling

    White-Headed Starling

    Brahminy Starling

    Rosy Starling

    Asian Pied Starling

    Common Myna

    Bank Myna

    Jungle Myna

    Hill Myna

    Velvet-fronted Nuthatch

    Black-lored Tit

    Plain Martin

    Dusky Crag Martin

    Pacific Swallow

    Wire-tailed swallow

    Streak-throated Swallow

    Black-crested Bulbul

    Red-whiskered Bulbul

    Red-vented Bulbul

    White-browed bulbul

    Yellow-browed Bulbul

    Grey-Breasted Prinia

    Plain Prinia

    Ashy Prinia

    Oriental White-eye

    Blyth's Reed Warbler

    Desert Warbler

    Orphean Warbler

    Common Tailorbird

    Hume's Warbler

    Greenish Warbler

    Large-billed Leaf Warbler

    Western Crowned Warbler

    Indian Scimitar Babbler

    Yellow-eyed Babbler

    Common Babbler

    Large-Grey Babbler

    Jungle Babbler

    Yellow-billed Babbler

    Brown Cheeked Fulvetta

    Ashy Crowned Sparrow Lark

    Rufous Tailed Lark

    Malabar Lark

    Oriental Skylark

    Plain Flowerpecker

    Purple Rumped Sunbird

    Crimson-backed Sunbird

    Olive-Backed Sunbird

    Purple Sunbird

    Little Spiderhunter

    Sind Sparrow

    Chestnut Shouldered Petronia

    White-browed Wagtail

    Citrine Wagtail

    Paddyfield Pipit

    Tawny Pipit

    Baya Weaver

    Indian Silverbill

    White-rumped Munia

    Common Rosefinch

    (Bird list from Pocket Guide to the Birds of the Indian Sub-continent by Grimmett, Inskipp & Inskipp). In total I saw more than 330 species of birds in India in 4 and half months, to put this in perspective that is about the same as I have seen in 20 years of birdwatching in the UK, but also only about the same amount as I saw in one national park in Peru!).

    Indian Fox

    Chinkara Antelope

    Indian Mongoose

    Small Mongoose (not sure of name!)

    5-Striped Palm Squirrel

    3-Striped Palm Squirrel

    Nilgai (blue bull antelope)

    Black Buck Antelope

    Indian Jackal

    Sambar Deer

    Langur Monkey

    Macaque Monkey

    Asiatic Wild Ass

    Scorpion (several species)

    Indian Flapshell Turtle

    Spotted Deer

    Muntjac Deer

    Malabar Giant Squirrel

    Flying Fox Bat

    Numerous bat species

    Fantastic butterfly species of inumerable species

    Flat-Tailed Gheko

    Various lizard & snake species

    Marsh Crocodile

    brown Tree Frog

    Asian Elephant

    Indian Bison (Guar)


    Sea Turtle sp (loggerhead?)



    Flying Fish

    Numerous species of frogs and toads


    (These are some of sealife species we saw snorkelling around Andaman Islands in India and Ko Tao in Thailand)

    Clown Fish x 5 species (incl Pink Anenome Clown Fish)

    Butterfly Fish, several sp

    Angel Fish, several sp

    Triggerfish x 3 sp

    Parrotfish x 3 sp


    Cleaner Wrasse

    Grouper sp x3, incl Camoflage Grouper and Blacktip Grouper

    Black-tipped Reef Shark

    Damselfish, several sp incl Chocolate Dip

    Yellow Boxfish


    Jellyfish, x several sp

    Neon Fish


    Yellow-tailed Barracuda

    Sea Cucumber x 3 sp


    Traveli Sp x2 inc Giant Traveli

    Moray Eel

    Spotted Cod


    Christmas Tree Worm

    Blue Starfish

    Crown of Thorns Starfish

    Cushion Starfish

    small black Starfish

    Sweetlips sp x2 incl Harlequin.

    Great Hornbill

    Lesser Coucal

    Chestnut-Naped Forktail

    White-crowned Forktail

    Blue-Winged Pitta

    Black-Headed Bulbul

    Brown Asian Giant Tortoise

    Gliding Lizard

    Cross-bearing Treee Lizard

    Red-necked Keelback Snake

    Smooth-backed Gliding Gheko

    Streamside Skink

    Dusky Langur Monkey

    Long-tailed Macaque Monkey

    Sooty Tern

    Pied Imperial Pigeon

    White Vented Myna

    Green-billed Malkoha

    Oriental Pratincole

    Ruddy-breasted Crake

    Scarlet Backed Flowerpecker

    Orange-bellied Flowerpecker


    Green-Billed Malkoha

    Golden Crested Myna

    Yellow Vented Bulbul

    Black Bittern

    Puff-throated Bulbul

    Scaly-breasted Munia

    Plain-backed Sparrow

    Black-Collard Starling


    Pied Bushchat

    Sooty-Headed Bulbul

    Cambodian Freetail Bat

    Lesser Adjutant


    White Browed Piculet

    Lesser Yellownape

    Black-Browed Barbet

    Golden-Throated Barbet

    Lineated Barbet

    Blue-Bearded Bee-Eater

    Plaintive Cuckoo

    Red-Headed Trogon

    Cinnamon Bittern

    Streaked Spiderhunter

    Black-headed Munia

    Spotted owlet

    Blue Whistling Thrush (eugenei sub sp)

    Rufecent Prinia

    White-crested Laughingthrush

    Masked Laughingthrush

    Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo

    Asian Barred Owlet

    Black-winged Cuckooshrike

    Grey Bushchat

    Rufous-winged Buzzard

    Mountain Imperial Pigeon

    Red Collard Dove

    Yellow-footed Green Pigeon

    Collared Falconet

    Black-headed Woodpecker

    Thick-billed Flowerpecker

    Velvet-fronted Nuthatch

    Spangled Drongo

    Bar-winged flycatcher shrike

    Eurasian Jay (asian sub-sp)

    Crested Goshawk

    River Lapwing

    Oriental White-eye

    Crimson Sunbird

    Mountain Bulbul

    Black Eagle

    Ruby-cheeked Sunbird

    Grey-backed Shrike

    Savannah Nightjar

    Grey-capped Greenfinch

    Himalayan Swiftlet

    Yellow Bittern

    Striated Yuhina

    White-Bellied Yuhina

    Mountain Fulvetta

    Silver-eared Mesia

    Golden Babbler

    White-tailed Leaf Warbler

    Sultan Tit

    Grey-cheeked Warbler

    Slaty-backed Forktail

    White Gorgeted Flycatcher

    Green Magpie

    Ratchet-tailed Treepie

    Ashy Bulbul

    Orange-bellied Leafbird

    Silver-breasted Broadbill

    White-tailed Robin

    Hainan Blue Flycatcher

    White-shouldered Starling

    Striped Tit-babbler

    Rufous-capped Babbler

    White Winged Magpie

    Black Crested Bulbul

    Grey-cheeked Fulvetta

    Racket-tailed Treepie

    Black-chinned Yuhina

    Crow-billed Drongo

    Black Bulbul

    Forest Wagtail

    Chestnut Bulbul

    White-rumped Munia

    Little Forktail

    Plumbeous Water Redstart

    Brown Dipper

    Japanese White-eye

    Hill Prinia

    Collard Finchbill

    Red-billed Leiothrix

    Blue-winged Minla

    Sooty-headed Bulbul

    (fish sp off Cham Islands:


    Zebra Moray Eel

    Lizard Fish

    Honeycomb Grouper


    Butterfly Fish

    Bird Wrasse

    Yellow moon wrasse

    Orange-spine Unicornfish

    Long-nosed Filefish

    Saddled Toby

    Devil Ray (Halaong Bay)

    We saw numerous mammals, frogs, lizards and snakes almost none of which we new their names. As well as trillions of amazing butterflies and giant insects.

    Delacour's Langur Monkey

    Vietnamese Squirrel

    Chipmunk Squirrel

    Vietnamese Tree Climbing Mouse


    Swan Goose

    Black-Capped Kingfisher

    Blue-Tailed Bee-Eater

    Oriental Scops Owl

    Oriental Turtle Dove

    Japanese Quail

    Yellow-legged Buttonquail

    Brown Crake

    Grey Headed Lapwing


    Black-tailed Godwit

    Spotted Redshank

    Marsh Sandpiper

    Wood Sandpiper

    Great Knot

    Long-Billed Plover

    Little-Ringed Plover

    Black-Tailed Gull

    Slaty-backed Gull

    Vega Gull

    Eastern Marsh Harrier

    Chinese Sparrowhawk

    Amur Falcon

    Bull-Headed Shrike

    Chinese Grey Shrike

    (Dusky Shrike)

    Red-billed Blue Magpie

    Azure-Winged Magpie

    Swinhoes Minivet

    Pale Thrush

    Durian Redstart

    Dark-sided Flycatcher

    Mugimaki Flycatcher

    Blue and White Flycatcher

    Red-billed Starling

    White-cheeked Starling

    Crested Myna

    Black-throated Tit

    Light-vented Bulbul

    Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler

    Dusky Warbler

    Pallas Warbler

    Yellow Browed Warbler

    Golden Spectacled Warbler


    White-browed Laughingthrush

    Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler

    Vinous-throated Parrotbill

    Fork-tailed Sunbird

    Russet Sparrow

    Richard's Pipit

    Olive-backed Pipit

    Buff-bellied Pipit


    Little Bunting

    Meadow Bunting

    Rustic Bunting


    Mandarin Duck

    Falcated Duck

    Ferruginous Duck

    Greater Scaup


    Red-Breasted Merganser


    Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

    Crested Kingfisher

    Solitary Snipe

    Mountain Hawk-Eagle

    Black-necked Grebe

    Japanese Cormorant

    Streaked Shearwater

    Durian Jackdaw

    Dusky Thrush

    Orange Flanked Bluetail

    Varied Tit

    Asian House Martin

    Brown-eared Bulbul

    Japanese Bush Warbler

    Japanese Skylark

    Japanese Wagtail

    Black-backed Wagtail

    Yellow Billed Grosbeak

    Japanese Macacque Monkey

    Serrow Goat

    Japanese Weasel

    Japanese Squirrel

    Japanese Deer!


    Bean Goose

    White-Fronted Goose


    Grey-Headed Woodpecker

    White-Naped Crane

    White-tailed Sea Eagle

    Cinereous Vulture

    Naumanns Thrush

    Yellow Throated Bunting

    Pallas Reed Bunting


    Scaly-sided Merganser

    Whooper Swan

    Siberian Accentor

    Naumann's Thrush

    Pacific Diver

    Red-Throated Diver

    Water Pipit

    Hen Harrier

    Acient Murrelet

    Chinese Water Deer

    Korean Squirrel?



    Glaucous Gull

    Fulmar (dark phase)

    Red-necked Phalerope


    Common Scoter

    Laysan Albatross

    Black Footed Albatross

    Masked Booby

    Rhinocerous Auklet

    Leach's Storm Petrel

    Cook's Petrel

    Fork-tailed Storm Petrel

    Wedge-tailed Shearwater (pale phase)

    Pilot Whale

    Grey Whale

    Common Dolphin

    Northern Sealion

    Sea Turtle

    Oceanic shark species

    Flying fish


    Least Grebe

    Pied-billed Grebe

    White Pelican

    Brown Pelican

    Brown Booby

    Neotropic Cormorant


    Magnificent Frigatebird

    Great Blue Heron

    Little Blue Heron

    Reddish Egret

    Tricoloured Egret

    Green Heron

    Yellow-crowned Night Heron

    Tiger Heron

    Wood Stork

    White Ibis

    White-faced Ibis

    Roseate Spoonbill

    Black Bellied Tree Duck

    Green-winged Teal

    American Wigeon

    Blue-winged Teal

    Cinnamon Teal

    Ring-necked Duck

    Lesser Scaup

    Muscovy duck

    Ruddy duck

    Turkey Vulture

    Black Vulture

    White-tailed Kite

    Snail Kite

    Mississippi Kite

    Marsh Hawk

    Sharp-shinned hawk

    Black Hawk

    Great Black Hawk

    Gray Hawk

    Roadside Hawk

    Broad-winged Hawk

    White-tailed Hawk

    Red-tailed Hawk

    Crested Caracara

    Laughing Falcon

    American Kestrel

    Aplomado Falcon

    Eastern Chachalaca

    West Mexican Chachalaca



    American Coot

    Northern Jacana

    Grey Plover

    Semi-palmated Plover

    Snowy Plover


    Wilson's Plover

    Greater Yellowlegs

    Lesser Yellowlegs

    Solitary Sandpiper


    Spotted Sandpiper

    Wandering Tattler

    Least Sandpiper

    Pectoral Sandpiper


    Semi-palmated Sandpiper

    Western Sandpiper

    Long-billed Curlew

    Marbled Godwit

    (American Black-necked Stilt)

    American Avocet

    Wilson's Phalerope

    Hermann's Gull

    California Gull

    Laughing Gull

    Gull-billed Tern

    Caspian Tern

    Royal Tern

    Elegant Tern

    Black Skimmer

    Red-billed Pigeon

    Mourning Dove

    White-winged Dove

    Inca Dove

    Common Ground Dove

    Ruddy Ground Dove

    Blue Ground Dove

    White-tipped Dove

    Aztec Parakeet

    Orange Fronted Parakeet

    White Crowned Parrot

    White Fronted Parrot

    Red-lored Parrot

    Mangrove Cuckoo

    Squirrel Cuckoo

    Groove-billed Ani

    Greater Roadrunner

    Common Nighthawk

    Lesser Nighthawk


    White-collared Swift

    Chimney Swift

    Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift

    Little Hermit

    Black-crested Coquette

    Fork-tailed Emerald

    Common Woodnymph

    White-eared Hummingbird

    Blue-Throated Goldentail

    Magnificent Hummingbird

    Elegant Trogon

    Ringed Kingfisher

    Belted Kingfisher

    Amazon Kingfisher

    Green Kingfisher

    Russet-crowned Motmot

    Blue-crowned Motmot

    Keel-billed Toucan

    Collared Aracari

    Lineated Woodpecker

    Acorn Woodpecker

    Golden-Fronted Woodpecker

    Rose-throated Becard

    Masked Tityra

    Black Phoebe

    Vermillion Flycatcher

    Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

    Fork-tailed Flycatcher

    Tropical Kingbird

    Couch's Kingbird

    Thick-billed Kingbird

    Social Flycatcher

    Great Kiskadee

    Ash-throated Flycatcher

    Brown-creasted Flycatcher

    Dusky-capped Flycatcher

    Violet-green Swallow

    Tree Swallow

    Mangrove Swallow

    Purple Martin

    Grey-Breasted Martin

    Rough-winged Swallow

    Bank Swallow

    Barn Swallow

    Common Raven

    Mexican Crow

    White-throated Magpie Jay

    Brown Jay

    Green Jay

    San Blas Jay

    Scrub Jay

    Bridled Titmouse

    Band-backed Wren

    Plain Wren

    Spot-breasted Wren

    Southern House Wren

    Curve-billed Thrasher

    Blue Mockingbird

    Grey Catbird

    Northern Mockingbird

    American Robin

    Rufous-backed Robin

    Clay-coloured Robin

    Brown-backed Solitaire

    Hermit Thrush

    Swainson's Thrush

    Western Bluebird

    Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

    White-lored Gnatcatcher

    Ruby-Crowned Kinglet

    Cedar Waxwing


    Gray Silky Flycatcher

    Loggerhead Shrike

    Bell's Vireo

    Solitary Vireo

    Warbling Vireo

    Red-legged Honeycreeper

    Black-and-white Warbler

    Orange-crowned Warbler

    Nashville Warbler

    Northern Parula

    Tropical Parula

    Yellow Warbler

    Myrtle Warbler/Yellow Rumped Warbler

    Audubon's Warbler

    Yellow-throated Warbler

    Blackpoll Warbler

    Louisiana Waterthrush

    Common Yellowthroat

    Gray-crowned Yellowthroat

    Yellow-breasted Chat

    Hooded Warbler

    Wilson's Warbler

    American Redstart

    Painted Redstart

    Red Warbler

    Rufous-capped Warbler

    Montezuma Oropendola

    Yellow-winged Cacique

    Giant Cowbird

    Bronzed Cowbird

    Brown-headed Cowbird

    Great-tailed Grackle

    Brewer's Blackbird

    Melodious Blackbird

    Ochre Oriole

    Hooded Oriole

    Yellow-tailed Oriole

    Altamira Oriole

    Baltimore Oriole

    Red-winged Blackbird

    Eastern Meadowlark

    Scrub Euphonia

    Yellow-throated Euphonia

    Blue-gray Tanager

    Yellow-winged Tanager

    Summer Tanager

    Black-headed Saltator

    Grayish Saltator

    Red Cardinal

    Rose-breasted Grosbeak

    Black-headed Grosbeak

    Blue Bunting

    Indigo Bunting

    Painted Bunting

    Yellow-faced Grassquit

    White-collared Seedeater

    Thick-billed Seedfinch

    Blue-black Grassquit

    Grassland Yellow-Finch

    Rufous-sided Towhee

    Brown Towhee

    Striped Sparrow

    Grasshopper Sparrow

    Lark Sparrow

    Bridled Sparrow

    Stripe-headed Sparrow

    Lincoln's Sparrow

    Yellow-eyed Junco

    House Finch

    Dark-backed Goldfinch

    (in total 258 species - names from Peterson Field Guide to Mexican Birds)


    Mexican squirrel

    Black Iguana

    Green Iguana

    Mexican gecko

    Pufferfish & other tropical marine fish

    Mexicn rabbit

    Prairie Dog




    Blue crab

    Praying Mantis

    Brown Lizard

    Kemp's Ridley Turtle



    Double-crested Cormorant

    Glossy Ibis

    Canada Goose

    Mottled Duck

    Wood Duck

    Swallow-tailed Kite

    Cooper's Hawk

    Red-Shouldered Hawk

    Harris's Hawk

    Bald Eagle

    Wild Turkey

    Purple Gallinule

    King Rail

    Clapper Rail

    Piping Plover

    American Oystercatcher

    Stilt Sandpiper

    Upland Sandpiper

    White-rumped Sandpiper

    American Woodcock

    Ring-billed Gull

    Least Tern

    Forster's Tern

    Yellow-billed Cuckoo

    Great Horned Owl

    Barred Owl

    Chuck-will's Widow

    Ruby-throated Hummingbird

    Black-chinned Hummingbird

    Red-headed Woodpecker

    Pileated Woodpecker

    Northern Flicker

    Red-bellied Woodpecker

    Downy Woodpecker

    Ladder Backed Woodpecker

    Eastern Kingbird

    Great Crested Flycatcher

    Eastern Phoebe

    Eastern Wood-Pewee

    Acadian Flycatcher

    Black-capped Chickadee

    Carolina Chickadee

    Tufted Titmouse

    White-breasted Nuthatch

    Carolina Wren

    Marsh Wren

    Eastern Bluebird

    Wood Thrush

    Brown Thrasher

    Blue Jay

    Fish Crow

    American Crow

    Red-Eyed Vireo

    Philadelphia Vireo

    Yellow-Throated Vireo

    White-eyed Vireo

    Black-throated Green Warbler

    Prothonotary Warbler

    "Brewsters" Warbler

    Blue-winged Warbler


    Summer Tanager

    Scarlet Tanager

    Blue Grosbeak

    American Goldfinch

    Chipping Sparrow

    Clay-colored Sparrow

    Vesper Sparrow

    Savannah Sparrow

    Seaside Sparrow

    Dark-eyed Junco

    Brewer's Blackbird

    Common Grackle

    Boat-tailed grackle


    Orchard Oriole


    (in total 191 species - names from Peterson Field Guide -Birds of Eastern and Central North America)

    Nine-banded Armadillo

    White-tailed deer

    Eastern Cottontail Rabbit



    Snapper Turtle

    Southern Grey Squirrel

    Eastern Chipmunk

    Black Bear

    Rat Snake

    Red Spotted Newt


    Black Salamander

    Little Brown Myotis Bat

    Big Brown Bat

    Deer Mouse


    Eastern Box Turtle

    Gopher Tortoise

    Painted Turtle

    Softshell Turtle

    Green Anole Lizard

    Five-lined skink Lizard

    Appalachian Woodland Salamander

    Grey Treefrog


    In total I managed to identify over 1000 species of birds.

    List of The Dead (up-dated as we travel)

    One of the joys of cycling is that you get to see (and smell!) all the wildlife killed by traffic and smeared all over the road in gory detail! With all the fuss about carbon emissions and pollution the fact that deaths from traffic take a toll on wildlife is conveniently forgotten. I find these deaths really depressing but they do sometimes offer the only opportunity to see wildlife up close (albeit dead and deformed) and to know what wildlife lives in the area.

    After a couple of days of cycling past The Dead I thought it may be worthwhile to record all the species we saw killed by traffic as we cycled around the world and to start my own one man campaign. So what follows is a species list of The Dead - R.I.P
    (note I am recording domestic animals to give you some idea of what we have to deal with smeared all over the road)
    Domestic cat (lots of!)
    Brown Rat
    Vole sp
    Shrew sp
    Red Squirrel
    Field Mouse
    Domestic Dog (lots of)
    5 Striped Indian Palm Squirrel
    Indian (Desert) Fox
    Feral Pig
    Domestic Buffalo
    Indian Mongoose
    Flying Fox Bat
    Domestic Goat
    Thai Squirrel
    Thai Bat Species
    Racoon Dog (Tanuki)
    Japanese Weasle
    Chinese Waterdeer
    Korean squirrel
    American fox
    Skunk x 2 species
    Oppossum x 3 species
    mexican mouse
    Prarie dog
    Tamandua Anteater
    Mexican bat sp
    Nine-banded Armadillo
    Eastern Cottontail rabbit
    White-tailed deer
    Grey squirrel
    Eastern Mole
    Other Animals:
    Common Lizard
    Slow Worm
    Grass Snake
    Sand Lizard
    Marsh Frog
    Turkish desert toad (made up name but you get the idea!)
    Turkish bright green lizard
    Indian black snake
    Indian bright green "rope" snake (more usuallly seen in coffee table books of indian wildlife than pressed into the tarmac)
    Indian viper snake - some may consider a dead one a good thing!
    Indian brown stripey lizard
    Indian brown snake
    Andaman toad
    Thai snake species (numerous! incl python)
    Thai frog and toad species (numerous)
    Thai lizard species (numerous)
    Thai Tortoise Species
    Monitor lizard
    Thai Crab Sp
    Vietnamese land crabs
    Vietnamese snakes & lizards
    Chinese snakes & lizards
    Japanese snakes & lizards
    Black Iguana
    Coral snake
    Mexican snake species
    Giant toad
    Eastern Box turtle
    Snapper Turtle
    Painted Turtle
    Gopher Tortoise
    American snake species
    Red spotted newt
    Blue Tit
    Mallard (duckling)
    House Sparrow
    Italian Sparrow
    Collard Dove
    Little Owl
    Tawny Owl
    Turtle Dove
    Tree Sparrow
    Red-backed Shrike
    Bee-Eater (see photo)
    Carrion Crow
    Corn Bunting
    Red-rumped Swallow
    Melodious/Icterine warbler
    Sand Martin
    Great Black Backed Gull
    Willow Warbler
    Tawny Pipit
    Crested Lark
    Pied Wheatear
    Asian Koel
    Greater Coucal
    Rose-Ringed Parakeet
    Spotted Owlet
    Red-Vented Bulbul
    Jungle Babbler
    Red Wattled Lapwing
    House Crow
    Domestic chicken
    Bank Myna
    Indian Roller
    Thai owl species
    Thai nightjar sp
    Thai bittern sp
    Thai bulbul sp
    White Vented Myna
    Scaly-breasted Munia
    Paddyfield Pipit
    Cinnamon bittern
    Bright-capped Cisticola
    Weaver Bird
    Savannah Nightjar
    Plain Prinia
    Collard Finchbill
    Yellow-throated bunting
    Vinous-throated parrotbill
    Oriental Turtle Dove
    Durian Redstart
    Black Vulture
    Hooded Oriole
    Vermillion Flycatcher
    Groove-billed Ani
    Yellow warbler
    Southern House Wren
    Blue Bunting
    Solitary Vireo
    Quail sp.
    Hooded Warbler
    Rufous-sided Towhee
    Golden Fronted Woodpecker
    Turkey vulture
    Boat-tailed grackle
    Mourning Dove
    Indigo Bunting
    Black & White Warbler
    Mangrove Cuckoo
    Common Nighthawk
    Laughing Gull
    Red Cardinal
    Red-bellied Woodpecker
    Broad winged Hawk
    Brown Pelican
    Scissor-tailed flycatcher
    Snowy Egret
    Cattle Egret
    Green Heron
    Clapper Rail
    King Rail
    Northern Mockingbird
    Cliff Swallow
    Barred Owl
    Red-winged Blackbird
    Least Tern
    Loggerhead Shrike
    Least Bittern
    Eastern Kingbird
    Great Horned Owl
    Orchard Oriole
    Eastern Screech Owl
    Brown Thrasher
    Grey Catbird
    American Robin
    Wood Thrush
    Dung Beetle
    Stag Beetle
    Swallow Tailed Butterflies
    White Admiral Buttrfly
    Speckled Wood Buttrfly
    Brown Scorpion
    Giant Milipede
    Beautiful tropical butterflies (dozens of species)
    Black scorpion
    Giant Thai Beetles
    Stick insects
    Praying mantis
    Loads of pretty black/red/green swallowtail butterflies
    In the final analysis roadkill was one of the low points of the trip and this list of species doesn't do justice to the scale of the carnage. The sheer numbers of dead wildlife was numbing. Through parts of the USA there were several dead armadillos and turtles every mile for hundreds of miles.
    From an analytical point of view the amount of roadkill increased in proportion to the speed and volume of traffic (especially at night) and the amount of wildlife. So for example there was little roadkill in Turkey and Iran due to the scarcity of wildlife in desert regions and the low volume of traffic, even though the traffic was fast. In developing countries the traffic was often slow or non-motorised and low in volume (especially at night) but there was a lot of wildlife. The USA was unboubtedly the worse, especially in parts of the South, where the combination of abundant wildlife and high volumes of fast traffic (including at night) was a disaster.

    The Route So Far.......(updated as we go)

    So we don't forget and for those of you who may be interested in tracking our progress and following our route I will keep updating this post with our start and finish points for each day and miles travelled.

    Day 1: Stoke Newington, London - Ashford, Kent. 60 miles.
    Day 2: Rest day Ashford
    Day 3: Ashford - Dover. 28 miles (plus 5 miles pootling about following stranding in Dover for night)

    Day 4: Dover - St Omer. 47 miles, plus ferry crossing.
    Day 5: St Omer - Violaines (nr La Bassee). 40 miles.
    Day 6: Violaines - St-Amand-les-Eaux. 46 miles.
    Day 7: St-Amand - Camp Fluer (nr St-Remy-Cheussee). 35 miles
    Day 8: Camp Fluer - Rumigny. 42 miles
    Day 9: Rumigny - Charleville-Meziers. 28 miles
    Day 10: Charleville-Meziers rest day
    Day 11: Charleville-Meziers - Stenay. 42 miles (but 4 miles spent looking for T's cycling glove!)
    Day 12: Stenay - Rouvres-en-Woevre (nr Etain). 46 miles.
    Day 13: Rouvres - Metz. 30 miles.
    Day 14: Metz rest day
    Day 15: Metz - Lening. 52 miles.
    Day 16: Lening - Oberho (nr Eschbourg). 30 miles.
    Day 17: Oberho - Melshiem. 14 miles.
    Days 18 to 21 -Melshiem
    Day 22: Melshiem - Ortenberg (Germany). 46 miles.
    Day 23: Ortebberg - Dorf. 29 miles.
    Day 24: Day sightseeing in Black Forest. involved 10mile hike over hills.
    Day 25: Dorf - Germans Wood (outside Villingen-Schwenningen). 29 miles. 3hrs of climbs.
    Day 26: Villingen-Schwenningen - Wahlwies. 50 miles
    Day 27: Wahlwies - Fischbach (nr Immenstaad on lake Konstanz). 29 miles
    Day 28: Fischbach - Deger-Moos (nr Hergatz). 35 miles
    Day 29: Deger-Moos - Alpsee (nr Immenstadt). 31 miles.
    Day 30: Enforced rest day due to heavy rain at Alpsee.
    Day 31: Alpsee - Scwangau (nr Fussen). 41 miles.
    Day 32: Schwangau - Plansee (nr Reutte) (Austria). 19 miles.
    Day 33: Sightseeing and rest day at Plansee.
    Day 34: Plansee - Landeck. 50 miles. Includes climb over Fernpass at 1209m asl.
    Day 35: Landeck - Reschen pass (Italy). 37 miles (of which 35 were uphill to the pass at 1500m asl!)
    Day 36: Reschen - Naturns. 44 miles
    Day 37: Naturns - Auer. 45 miles
    Day 38: Auer - Trento. 31 miles (horrendous headwind and heat)
    Day 39: Trento - Grigno. 38 miles
    Day 40: Grigno - Bassano di Grappa. 31 miles.
    Day 41: Bassano di Grappa - Fusina (nr Venice) 57 miles.
    Day 42: Sightseeing in Venice
    Day 43: Fusina - Duna Verde (nr Caorle) 54 miles.
    Day 44: Duna Verde - Castions Di Strada. 48 miles.
    Day 45: Castions Di Strada - Woods near Kostanjevica (Slovenia). 34 miles.
    Day 46: Kostanjevica - Postojna. 41 miles
    Day 47: Sightseeing Caves of Postojna. 10 miles.
    Day 48: Postojna - Woods nr Predstruge. 40 miles.
    Day 49: Predstruge - Otocec. 38 miles.
    Day 50: Otocec - Zagreb (Croatia). 53 miles.
    Day 51-54: Rest & Sightseeing in Zagreb
    Day 55: Zagreb - Mahovo (nr Sisak). 44 miles
    Day 56: Mahovo - Drevnov Bok. 48 mıles.
    Day 57: Drevnov Bok - Sroac (Bosnia). 57 miles.
    Day 58: Sroac - Slavonski Brod (Croatia). 46 miles.
    Day 59: Slavonski Brod - Middle of Nowhere (a forest near Serbian border nr Lipovac). 58 mıles
    Day 60: Lipovac - Dobrinci (Serbıa) (nr Ruma). 79 miles.
    Day 61: Dobrinicı - Belgrade. 39 miles.
    Days 62 - 65: Rest & Sightseeıng ın Belgrade.
    Day 66: Belgrade - Kovin. 43 miles
    Day 67: Kovin - nr Moldova Nova (Romania). 57 miles
    Day 68: Moldova Nova - Dubava. 52 miles.
    Day 69: Dubava - Braz Palanka (Serbia). 55 miles.
    Day 70: Braz Palanka - Negotin. 27 miles.
    Day 71: Negotin - Dunavtsi (Bulgaria). 38 miles.
    Day 72: Dunavtsi - nr Kozludy. 50 miles.
    Day 73: Kozludy - nr Ostrov. 47 miles.
    Day 74: Ostrov - Muselievo (nr Nıkpol). 54 miles.
    Day 75: Muselievo - Stambolovo (nr Pavlikeni). 46 miles.
    Day 76: Stambolovo - Veliko Tarnovo. 18 miles.
    Day 77: Rest day in Veliko Tarnovo.
    Day 78: Veliko Tarnovo - nr top of mountaın between Elena & Tvarditsa. 39 miles.
    Day 79: Top of mountain - Nr Radetski. 57 miles.
    Day 80: Nr Radetski - nr Lyubimets. 41 miles.
    Day 81: Lyubimets - Edirne (Turkey). 31 miles.
    Day 82: Rest Day & Sightseeıng in Edirne.
    Day 83: Edirne - nr Luleburgaz. 41 miles.
    Day 84: Luleburgaz - nr motorway junction off D100 close to Sea of Marmara. 56 miles.
    Day 85: Mtway Junction - Istanbul. 55 miles.
    Day 86-93 Sıghtseeıng and Restıng ın Istanbul
    Day 94: Istanbul - Kiliçli. 27 mıles (plus ferry journey up the Bosphorous)
    Day 95: Kiliçlı - Alacali. 13 mıles (due to Turkey Tummy and heat).
    Day 96: Rest day at beach. Alacali.
    Day 97: Alacali - Imrenli. 33 miles.
    Day 98: Imrenli - Bağirkanli. 23 mıles.
    Day 99: Bağırkanli - vıllage wıth no name and not on map! on the Black Sea Coast. 6 mıles.
    Day 100: On the beach.
    Day 101:Coast - Kuzuluk. 60 mıles.
    Day 102: Kuzuluk - Mudurnu. 43 miles.
    Day 103: Mudurnu - Top of hıll. 14 mıles.
    Day 104: Top of hıll - Çayırhan. 49 miles.
    Day 105: Çayıran - Akkaya. 27 miles.
    Day 106: Akkaya - just outsıde Ankara. 29 miles.
    Day 107: Ankara. 24 mıles (ıts a bıg cıty!)
    Day 108: Ankara
    Day 109: Ankara - Bala. 49 miles.
    Day 110: Bala - Kaman. 46 miles.
    Day 111: Kaman - Kırşehır. 38 miles.
    Day 112: Kırşehır - Şahınler. 31 miles.
    Day 113: Şahınler - Çhavusın. 34 mıles.
    Day 114: Çhavusın - Goreme campsıte. 4 miles.
    Day 115 - 120: Much needed R&R in Goreme, Cappadocia
    Day 121 -123: travel by bus to Ankara and then day ın Ankara before returning to Goreme by bus (with Iranian visas!)
    Day 124: Goreme - nr Develi. 49 miles
    Day 125: Develi - nr village of Sarayik (at nearly 2000masl). 40 miles.
    Day 126: Sarayik - nr Yeşilkent. 42 miles.
    Day 127: Yeşılkent - Daglica. 34 miles.
    Day 128: Daglica - Sögütlü. 38 miles.
    Day 129: Sögütlü - hillside nr village of Gürkanayak. 40 miles.
    Day 130: Gürkanayak - Malatya. 35 miles
    Day 131: Malatya rest day.
    Day 132: Malatya - over a pass at 1900m - nr village of Çayköy (on way to Mt Nemut). 28 miles
    Day 133: Çayköy - village of Yandere (nr Mt Nemrut). 25 miles
    Day 134: Yandere - over Mt Nemrut (2200m) - Narince. 21 miles.
    Day 135: Narince - across Euphrates by ferry - nr Siverek. 33 miles.
    Day 136: Siverek - Diyarbakır. 63 miles.
    Day 137: Diyaerbakir rest day
    Day 138: Diyarbakır - along E99 to village of Sanbugday (nr Bagdere). 42 miles.
    Day 139: Sanbugday - nr Kozluk. 41 miles
    Day 140: Kozluk - uphill along river Bitlis to village of Ortakapi (20km before Bitlis). 42 miles
    Day 141: Ortakapi - Bitlis - Tatvan. 27 miles.
    Day 142: Tatvan - Van. 9 miles by bike plus est 50+ miles by ferry boat.
    Day 143-144: Van rest day
    Day 145: Van - along E99 to village of Durukkas (nr Muradiye). 47 miles
    Day 146: Durukkas - Muradiye - Çaldiran - unamed village on D975 before pass. 37 miles.
    Day 147: Village - over pass at 2644m - E80 to Dogubayazit. 26 miles
    Day 148 - 153: Rest and waiting for T's knee to recover in Dogubayazit.
    Day 154: Dogubayazit - Tabriz (Iran) by taxi - 250 miles
    Day 155-156: Tabriz
    Day 157: Tabriz - Tehran by train - 400 miles.
    Day 158 - 162: Tehran
    Day 163: Tehran - Mt Damavand by bus - 50 miles
    Day 164: Mt Damavand - Tehran by bus - 50 miles
    Day 165-166: Tehran
    Day 167: Tehran - Esfehan by train - 300 miles - 7 miles by cycle
    Day 168-170: Esfehan
    Day 171: Esfehan - Shiraz by bus - 360 miles.
    Day 172 - 173: Shiraz
    Day 174: Shiraz - Esfehan by bus - 360 miles.
    Day 175: Esfehan - east along route 62 to Kuhpayeh - 51 miles by cycle at last!
    Day 176: Kuhpayeh - Naeen - 41 miles
    Day 177: Naeen - route 71 to Aqda - 54 miles
    Day 178: Aqda - to desert se of Ardakan - 32 miles
    Day 179: nr Ardakan - desert nr ChakChak - 37 miles
    Day 180: desert nr ChakChak - Karanaq - 32 miles
    Day 181: Karanaq - Yazd - 54 miles.
    Day 182 - 184: Yazd
    Day 185: Yazd - desert on route 78 - 51 miles
    Day 186: Desert - Bafgh - 34 miles.
    Day 187: Bafgh - desert road towards Rafsanjan - 33 miles
    Day 188: Desert road to somewhere past Nuk on way towards Rafsanjan - 35 miles
    Day 189: Nuk - Rafsanjan - 41 miles
    Day 190: Rafsanjan - Kerman - 74 miles
    Day 191: Kerman
    Day 192: Kerman - Zahedan by bus - 350 miles
    Day 193: Zahedan - Quetta (Pakistan) by jeep and bus - 440 miles.
    Day 194: Quetta - Lahore by train - 800 miles
    Day 195 - 200: Lahore
    Day 201: Lahore - Wagah Border - 17 miles
    Day 202: Wagah Border - Amritsar - 19 miles.
    Day 203-206 Amritsar
    Day 207: Amritsar-Zira - 49 miles
    Day 208: Zira - Muktsar - 53 miles
    Day 209: Muktsar - Abohar - 35 miles
    Day 210: Abohar - Hanumangarh - 38 miles
    Day 211: Hanumangarh - Thar Desert past Suratgarh on H15 - 47 miles
    Day 212: Desert - Lunkaransar - 50 miles
    Day 213: Lunkaransar - Bikaner - 43 miles (my birthday!!)
    Day 214-217: Bikaner
    Day 218-224: Bikaner - Keechen through desert on camel safari, approx 100miles then 10 miles to Phalodi by cycle.
    Day 225: Phalodi - nr Bhimamker. 43 miles
    Day 226: nr Bhimamker - Osiyan - Jodphur. 41 miles.
    Day 227 - 228: Jodphur
    Day 229: Jodphur to Jaipur by bus. (approx 200 miles)
    Day 230-231: Jaipur
    Day 232: Jaipur - Jodphur by bus. (approx 200 miles)
    Day 233: Jodphur - Surpura. 52 miles
    Day 234: Samadari - Siwana - Jalor. 51 miles
    Day 235: Jalor - Ramsin - Kalandri. 47 miles.
    Day 236: Kalandri - Anadra - Abu Rd - Mt Abu. 57 miles (+ 3 miles in back of truck!)
    Day 237-238: Mt Abu
    Day 239: Mt Abu - Palanpur - Siddhapur. 78 miles
    Day 240: Siddhapur - Patan - Harij - Sankeshver. 49 miles.
    Day 241: Sankeshver - Zainabad. 24 miles
    Day 242: Zainabad.
    Day 243: Zainabad - Ahmenabad by jeep (approx 65 miles).
    Day 244-246: Ahmenabad
    Day 247: Ahmenabad - Mumbai by train, approx 300 miles.
    Day 248 - 254: Mumbai
    Day 255: Mumbai - ferry to Mandwa (approx 15 miles), then Alibag - Nandgaon. 38 miles by cycle.
    Day 256: Nandgaon - Murud - nr Borlai. 20 miles (+1 mile by ferry)
    Day 257: camped on beach nr Borlai
    Day 258: Borlai - Srivardhan - Bankot. 40 miles (+1mile by ferry).
    Day 259: Bankot - Kelshi - Harnai. 23 miles (+ .25miles by dugout canoe!)
    Day 260: Harnai - Dapoli - Dabhol - Guhagar. 36 miles (+1 mile by ferry)
    Day 261: Guhagar - Velneshwar. 15 miles.
    Day 262: Velneshwar
    Day 263: Velneshwar - Jaigarh - Ganpatipule - nr Ratnagiri. 37 miles (+1 mile by ferry)
    Day 264: Ratnagiri - Jaitapur. 43 miles (+ .5m by ferry)
    Day 265: Jaitapur - Vijayadurg - Achra. 54 miles (+.25m by dugout canoe).
    Day 266: Achra - Malvan. 12 miles.
    Day 267: Malvan - Vengurla. 32 miles.
    Day 268: Vengurla - Pernem - Arambol Beach (Goa). 42 miles. T's birtday.
    Day 269 - 282: Arambol Beach, Goa
    Day 283: Arambol Beach - Panjim. 25 miles
    Day 284: Panjim - Ponda - Sanguem. 43 miles.
    Day 285: Sanguem - Jungle - Sanguem - back to Coast - jungle near Canacona. 44 miles.
    Day 286: Jungle - south on NH17 - Kumta. 57 miles.
    Day 287: Kumta - inland up the ghats - Siddapur. 41 miles.
    Day 288: Siddapur - Savalanga. 51 miles.
    Day 289: Savalanga - Bhadra. 59 miles.
    Day 290: rest day and wildlife safari Bhadra.
    Day 291: Half-day ride: Bhadra - Tarikere - Ligadahalli. 29 miles
    Day 292: Ligadahalli - Baba Budan Hills - Belur. 39 miles.
    Day 293: Belur - Shravanabelagola. 69 miles.
    Day 294: Shravanabelagola - Mysore. 49 miles.
    Day 295-298 - Sightseeing & Resting in Mysore
    Day 299: Mysore -Nagarhole National Park. 53 miles
    Day 300: Nagarhole NP - Kuruva Islands (Kerala State). 25 miles.
    Day 301: Kuruva sightseeing
    Day 302: Kuruva - Iritti. 40 miles
    Day 303: Iritti - Kannur. 26 miles
    Day 304-307 - Kannur
    Day 308: Travel from Kannur to Chennai by Train, approx 500 miles
    Day 309 -312 - Chennai
    Day 313 - bus from Chennai to Mamallapuram (3hrs) for sightseeing.
    Day 314 - Mamallapurum sightseeing
    Day 315 - bus from Mamallapurum to Vedantangal Bird Sanctuary (approx 35miles)
    Day 316 - bus and train from Vedantangal to Chennai (approx 60 miles)
    Day 317 - Chennai
    Day 318-319: Chennai - Port Blair (Andaman Islands) approx 900 miles by ship.
    Day 320 - 329: Havelock Island, Andaman Isl (cycled approx 20 miles)
    Day 330: Port Blair, Andaman Isl
    Day 331-332: Port Blair - Phuket (Thailand) by sailing boat approx, 600 miles.
    Day 333: Chalong Harbour - Kata Resort. 8 miles
    Day 334: Kata Resort - north along west coast of Phuket via Thalang Bike Shop - Mai Khao Beach. 30 miles.
    Day 335: Mai Khao Beach - Phang-Nga. 36 miles (then boat to Ko Panyee Fishing Village),
    Day 336 Ao Phang-Nga National Park sightseeing
    Day 337: Phang-Nga - north to H401 - then west along this road towards Khao Sok NP. 55 miles.
    Day 338: H401 - Khao Sok National Park. 15 miles.
    Day 339: Khao Sok NP sightseeing.
    Day 340: Khao Sok NP - west on H401 then N on H4 past Tan Nang. 40 miles.
    Day 341: H4 north - Kapoe. 55 miles.
    Day 342: H4 north past Ranong to Khao Fachi. 50 miles.
    Day 343: H4 north close to Burma border the across Malay peninsular to Chumphon. 55 miles.
    Day 344: Boat from Chumphon to Island of Ko Tao in Gulf of Thailand (approx 55 miles).
    Day 345-349: Diving and snorkelling on Ko Tao
    Day 350: Boat from Ko Tao to Chumphon (approx 55 miles)
    Day 351: Chumphon - Bang Saphan Noi. 55 miles
    Day 352: Bang Saphan Noi - north to Huai Yang Waterfall National Park. 45 miles.
    Day 353: Huai Yang NP - north to Hat Sam Phraya in Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park. 55 miles.
    Day 354: Khao Sam Roi Yot NP - north past Hua Hin , Cha'am to Puktian Beach resort. 50 miles.
    Day 355: Puktian Beach - Samut Songkhram. 45 miles
    Day 356: Samut Songkhram - Bangkok. 40 miles.
    Day 357-361 - Bangkok sightseeing.
    Day 362: Bangkok - Chachoengsao. 54 miles
    Day 363: Chachoengsao - a mango orchard off the 359 road. 47 miles
    Day 364: East along 359 and Highway 33 to Aranyaprathet. 61 miles.
    Day 365: Aranyaprathet (Thailand) across border to Cambodia and on to Sisophon. 34 miles.
    Day 366: Sisophon - Battambang. 43 miles.
    Day 367: Sightseeing in Battambang.
    Day 368: Battambang - Siam Reap. (30 miles by boat and 5 miles by cycle).
    Day 369-374: Sightseeing & Being ill in Siam Reap
    Day 375: Siam Reap - Kompong Dien. 40 miles.
    Day 376: Kompong Dien - Kompong Thom. 63 miles.
    Day 377: Kompong Thom - Snuk. 57 miles.
    Day 378: Snuk - Phnom Penh. 50 miles.
    Day 379 - 381: Sightseeing & Visa stuff in Phnom Penh.
    Day 382: Phnom Pehn - Svay Rieng. 79 miles.
    Day 383: Svay Rieng (Cambodia) - Tay Ninh (Vietnam). 52 miles.
    Day 384: Tay Ninh sightseeing.
    Day 385: Tay Ninh - Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). 64 miles.
    Day 386- 388: Sighseeing Saigon
    Day 389: Saigon - Dong Xoai. 70 miles.
    Day 390: Dong Xoai along HCM Highway to Duc Phong. 33 miles.
    Day 391: Duc Phong - Gia Nghia (Dak Nong). 42 miles.
    Day 392: Gia Nghia - Dak Mil. 42 miles.
    Day 393: Dak Mil - Buon Ma thuot (via Dray Sap waterfalls). 54 miles.
    Day 394-395: Sightseeing in Buon Ma Thuot.
    Day 396: Buon Ma Thuot - nr village of Ea Ral. 58 miles.
    Day 397: Ea Ral - Pleiku. 57 miles.
    Day 398: Pleiku - Kon Tum. 31 miles
    Day 399: Kon Tum sightseeing.
    Day 400: Kon Tum - Plei Kan (via Sa Thay). 50 miles.
    Day 401-402: Ill in bed in Plei Kan.
    Day 403: Plei Kan - Dak Glei. 34 miles.
    Day 404: Dak Glei - Kham Duc. 35 miles.
    Day 405: Kham Duc - Thanh My. 37 miles.
    Day 406: Thanh My - Hoi An. 44 miles.
    Day 407-415: Sightseeing around Hoi An
    Day 416: Hoi An - Lang Co. 46 miles.
    Day 417: Lang Co. - Bach Ma National Park. 35 miles
    Day 418-419: Bach Ma
    Day 420: Bach Ma - Hue. 56 miles
    Day 421-423: Hue sightseeing
    Day 424: Hue - Cua Tung Beach Resort. 65 miles
    Day 425: Cua Tung - north of Ben Quan (on HCMH). 30 miles.
    Day 426: Ben Quan - Xuan Son (via Dong Hoi). 63 miles.
    Day 427: Xuan Son - along HCMH past Pheo Hoa. 50 miles
    Day 428: HCMH north to Hu'ong Khe. 34 miles.
    Day 429: Hu'ong Khe - Pho Chau. 38 miles
    Day 430: Pho Chau - Tan Ky. 59 miles
    Day 431: Tan Ky - Thai Hoa. 28 miles
    Day 432: Thai Hoa - Thanh Hoa. 68 miles.
    Day 433: Thanh Hoa - Ninh binh (via Phat Diem). 56 miles
    Day 434-436: Ninh Binh
    Day 437: Ninh Binh- Van Long Nature Reerve. 11 miles
    Day 438: Van Long - Cuc Phu'o'ng National Park HQ. 32 miles.
    Day 439: Cuc Phu'o'ng NP
    Day 440: Cuc Phu'o'ng NP - nr My Duc. 54 miles
    Day 441: My Duc - Hanoi. 34 miles.
    Day 442-443: Hanoi
    Day 444: Hanoi-Tam Dao by bus and cycle. 15 miles.
    Day 445-446: Tam Dao
    Day 447: Tam Dao - Hanoi by cycle and bus. 20 miles.
    Day 448: Hanoi
    Day 449: Hanoi - Cai Rong by bus
    Day 450: Cai Rong - Quan Lan Island by boat
    Day 451: Quan Lan Island
    Day 452: Quan Lan Island - Cai Rong bu boat
    Day 453: Cai Rong - Hanoi by bus
    Day 454-456: Hanoi
    Day 457: Hanoi to Halong Bay by bus/boat
    Day 458: Halong Bay & Cat Ba Island by boat
    Day 459: Cat Ba Island
    Day 460: Cat Ba Island - Hanoi by boat & bus
    Day 461: Hanoi
    Day 462: Hanoi - Sapa by train and then bus
    Day 463-466: Sapa
    Day 467: Sapa - Hanoi by bus and train.
    Day 468: Hanoi
    Day 469: Hanoi - Kep. 44 miles.
    Day 470: Kep - Lang Son. 51 miles.
    Day 471: Lang Son
    Day 472: Lang Son - Pingxiang (China). 21 miles.
    Day 473: Pingxiang (ill)
    Day 474: Pingxiang - somewhere on road to Nanning via Ning Ming. 48 miles.
    Day 475: somewhere on road to Nanning. 53 miles.
    Day 476: continued to Nanning. 47 miles.
    Day 477-479: Nanning
    Day 480: Nanning - Binyang. 54 miles
    Day 481: Binyang - Guigang. 58 miles.
    Day 482: Guigang - Guiping. 43 miles.
    Day 483: Guiping - north of Pingnan. 61 miles.
    Day 484: continued north to Mengshan. 64 miles.
    Day 485: Mengshan - Yangshuo. 54 miles
    Day 486-488: Yangshuo
    Day 489: Yangshou - Hunan Province via Gongcheng. 63 miles.
    Day 490: Continued NE to Daoxian. 49 miles
    Day 491: Daoxian - east past Ningyuan. 50 miles.
    Day 492: NE to Chenzhou via Guiyang. 65 miles.
    Day 493: Chenzhou - NE towards Chaling. 51 miles.
    Day 494: Continued to Chaling. 46 miles.
    Day 495: Chaling ne to Jiangxi Province. 49 miles.
    Day 496: Continued to Ji'an. 68 miles.
    Day 497-498: Ji'an
    Day 499: Ji'an - Hong Kong by train.
    Day 500-505: Hong Kong
    Day 506: Hong Kong - Ji'an by train.
    Day 507: Ji'an - Yong Feng. 39 miles
    Day 508: Yong Feng - ne towards Nanchang. 45 miles.
    Day 509: continued towards Nanchang via Xiangtang. 55 miles.
    Day 510: along river bank to Nanchang. 34 miles.
    Day 511-513: Nanchang
    Day 514: Nanchang - Yugan. 60 miles.
    Day 515: Yugan - Ne for 60 miles.
    Day 516: continued ne past Wuyhan to Little Likeng village. 64 miles.
    Day 517: Little Likeng
    Day 518: Little Likeng - n to village of Hongguan (via Qinghua). 34 miles.
    Day 519: Over border to Anhui State to Qiyun Shan village. 45 miles
    Day 520: Qiyan Shan
    Day 521: Qiyan Shan - Huangdhan City - Shexian - NE. 53 miles.
    Day 522: Continued to Zhejiang Province. 51 miles.
    Day 523: Continued to Hangzhou. 75 miles.
    Day 524-525: Hangzhou
    Day 526: Hangzhou - Jiaxing. 59 miles.
    Day 527: Jiaxing - Suzhou. 60 miles.
    Day 528: Suzhou.
    Day 529: Suzhou - Shanghai. 60 miles.
    Day 530-533: Shanghai
    Day 534 - 536: Shanghai to Osaka (Japan) by boat
    Day 537: Osaka
    Day 538: Osaka - Nara. 21 miles
    Day 539-541: Nara
    Day 542: Nara - Kyoto. 27m
    Day 543-544: Kyoto
    Day 545: Kyoto -Lake Biwa. 30m
    Day 546: Lake Biwa - side of a mountain on road 421. 34miles
    Day 547: Mountain - between Nagoya and Toyota. 48m
    Day 548: One side of Toyota to the other. 14m
    Day 549: East into Japanese Alps to town with an Onsen. 46miles
    Day 550:Onsen village - r285. 22miles
    Day 551: r285 - r77. 44 miles
    Day 552: r77 - east of Shizuoka. 43miles
    Day 553: Followed coast past Fuji city to Numazu. 31 miles
    Day 554-555: Numazu
    Day 556: Numazu - up a mountain nr Mt Fiji. 25 miles
    Day 557: Nr Mt Fiji - towards Tokyo. 28miles
    Day 558: Continued into Tokyo/Kawasaki. 42 miles
    Day559-560: Kawasaki/Tokyo.
    Day 561: Kawasaki - Tokyo Docks. 27 miles (plus overnight ferry to Shikoku Ilsand)
    Day 562: Tokyo Docks - Tokushima Port - R19. 16miles
    Day 563: Followed river valley/r195. 43 miles
    Day 564: Over Yotsuashitoge Pass - towards sea. 33miles
    Day 565: Along Pacific Coast - Kochi - mini island. 34 miles.
    Day 566: Along coast - Susaki - mountain village. 33miles.
    Day 567: Followed Shinto River to Ekawasaki. 58 miles
    Day 568: Ekawasaki - Uwajima. 35miles
    Day 569: Uwajima - around coast. 40 miles.
    Day 570: to Yawatahama - then ferry to Usuki on Kyushu Isl - north to Buddhas. 20m
    Day 571: North to Beppu. 25miles
    Day 572: Beppu - north of Kitsuki. 34 miles
    Day 573: north-west - Buzen - heading nw. 37miles
    Day 574: to Kitakyushu - across straits to Shimonoseki. 29 miles.
    Overnight ferry to Busan, South Korea, then train to Seoul.
    Day 575-601: Seoul & Surrounds with Mike & Hayon
    Day 602: Seoul - Andong by bus
    Day 603: Andong - Hahoe village. 14 miles
    Day 604: Hahoe - Gunwi. 19miles
    Day 605: Gunwi - Yeongcheon. 34 miles
    Day 606: Yeongcheon - Gyeongju. 25 miles
    Day 607-608: Gyeongju
    Day 609: Gyeongju - Ulsan. 47miles
    Day 610: Ulsan - Busan. 38 miles.
    Day 611-614: Busan
    Day 615 - 628: Travelled on cargo ship east across Pacific
    Day 629 - 631: Manzanillo (Mexico)
    Day 632: Manzanillo - El Salto Waterfall. 34 miles
    Day 633: El Salto - Colima. 40 miles.
    Day 634: Colima - foot of volcanoes at Lake Carrizalillo. 21 miles.
    Day 635: Carrizalillo Lake - Tuxpam - n of Tamazula de Gordiano. 60 miles
    Day 636: Tamazula - Mazamitla - Abadiano. 43miles
    Day 637: Abadiano - Zamora. 52 miles
    Day 638: Zamora - Chilchota - El Pueblito. 35 miles
    Day 639: Field nr El Pueblito.
    Day 640: El Pueblito - Lake Patzcuaro. 39miles
    Day 641: Lake Patzcuaro - Morelia. 33 miles.
    Day 642-644: Morelia
    Day 645: Morelia - Huajumbaro. 52 miles
    Day 646: Huajumbaro - Angangueo. 39 miles
    Day 647: Angangueo - Sierra Chincua Butterfly Sanctuary. 7 miles
    Day 648: Sierra Chincua - San Felipe del Progreso. 44 miles.
    Day 649: SF Progreso - up a mountain past Jiquipilco. 38 miles.
    Day 650: to top of mountin - Mexico city (Tlalpan). 51 miles.
    Day 651-657: Mexico City
    Day 658: Mexico city - Ecatzingo village (nr Ozumba). 47 miles.
    Day 659: Ecatzingo - Izucar de Matamoros. 52 miles
    Day 660: IdMatamoros - Zacapala. 43 miles.
    Day 661: Zacapala - cactus reserve nr Santiago Nopala. 44 miles
    Day 662: cactus reserve - Tehuacan. 23miles
    Day 663: Tehuacan
    Day 664: Tehuacan - Teotitlan. 41miles
    Day 665: Teotitlan - Hautla. 40 miles
    Day 666: Hautla - Jalapa. 39 miles
    Day 667: Jalapa - Loma Bonita. 61 miles.
    Day 668: Loma Bonita - San Andreas Tuxtla. 69 miles
    Day 669: San Andreas Tuxtla
    Day 670: SA Tuxtla - La Barra/Real. 23 miles
    Day 671: La Barra/Real - Montepio. 11miles
    Day 672: Montepio - Alvarado. 64 miles
    Day 673: Alvarado - Veracruz. 50 miles
    Day 674: Veracruz
    Day 675: Veracruz - La Mancha. 40 miles
    Day 676: La Mancha
    Day 677: La Mancha - Santander. 28 miles
    Day 678: Santander turtle camp
    Day 679: Santander - Casitas. 36 miles
    Day 680: Casitas - Tecolutla. 21 miles.
    Day 681 - 692: Tecolutla Turtle Camp
    Day 693: Tecolutla - Papantla. 25 miles
    Day 694: Papantla - past Tuxpam. 55 miles
    Day 695: Tuxpam - Mamay village. 54 miles.
    Day 696: Mamay - Tampico Alto. 45 miles
    Day 697: Tampico Alto - Paso de Mora village. 48 miles
    Day 698: Paso de Mora - Nuevo Progresso. 53 miles
    Day 699: Nuevo Progresso - past Soto La Marina. 55 miles
    Day 700: Soto la Marina - San Fernando de Presas. 81 miles
    Day 701: SF Presas
    Day 702: SF Presas - but fuck nowhere. 47 miles
    Day 702: BF Nowhere - Matamoros. 43 miles.
    Day 703: Matamoros - USA - past Raymondville. 56 miles.
    Day 704: Raymondville - Riviera. 59 miles.
    Day 705-706: Riviera
    Day 707: Riviera - Nueces River. 55 miles
    Day 708: Nueces River - Goose Island State Park (Lamar). 56 miles.
    Day 709: Goose Island - Port Lavaca. 52 miles
    Day 710: Port Lavaca - Palacios - Lower Colarado River Park. 48 miles
    Day 711: River Park - Lake Jackson -swamp before surfside beach. 57miles.
    Day 712: Surfside Beach - Galviston Island. 35m
    Day 713: Galviston Island
    Day 714: Galviston Island - Bolivar Peninsular. 39miles
    Day 715: Bolivar Peninsular - Port Arthur. 67 miles
    Day 716: Port Arthur - Cameron. 53 miles
    Day 717: Cameron - south of Abbeville. 69 miles
    Day 718: Abbeville - Lafayette. 45 miles
    Day 719: Lafayette
    Day 720: Lafayette - Olivier. 36 miles
    Day 721: Olivier - Pigeon. 68 miles
    Day 722: Pigeon - St James. 61 miles
    Day 723: St James - New Orleans. 74 miles
    Day 724-25: New Orleans
    Day 726: New Orleans - Fontainbleau State Park. 59 miles.
    Day 727: Fontainbleau SP - N of Franklinton. 59 miles.
    Day 728: Franklinton - N of Monticello. 63 miles
    Day 729: Monticello - Jackson. 57 miles
    Day 730: Jackson - Natchez Trace mile marker 156. 62 miles
    Day 731: Along Natches-Trace Parkway to mm 216. 67 miles
    Day 732: Along Natches-Trace Parkway to mm 275. 71miles
    Day 733: Along Natches-Trace Parkway to mm 305. 33miles
    Day 734: Along Natches-Trace Parkway to mm 357. 61 miles
    Day 735: Along Natches-Trace Parkway to mm 408. 57 miles
    Day 735: Along Natches-Trace Parkway - Nashville. 56 miles
    Day 736-737: Nashville
    Day 738: Nashville - Chestnut Mound. 64 miles
    Day 739: Chestnut Mound - towards Wartburg. 68 miles.
    Day 740: east of Wartburg - west of Knoxville. 54 miles.
    Day 741: west of Knoxville - Great Smokey Mtns NP (Gatlinburg). 52 miles.
    Day 742: Gatlinburg - Smokemont Campground (Gt Smky NP). 32miles
    Day 743-744: Smokemont Campground
    Day 745: Smokemont - Blueridge Parkway Grassy Ridge Mine Overlook. 39 miles
    Day 746: Blueridge Parkway - Asheville. 62 miles
    Day 747: Asheville.
    Day 748. Asheville - BR Parkway Black Mountain Gap. 32 miles.
    Day 749: BRP Black Mountain Gap - BRP Cheston View (Linville). 39 miles
    Day 750: BRP Cheston View - south of Deep Gap. 46 miles.
    Day 751: BRP Deep Gap - Air Bellows Gap. 45 miles
    Day 752: BRP Air Bellows Gap - Meadows of Dan. 63 miles
    Day 753: BRP Meadows of Dan - Devils Backbone. 38 miles.
    Day 754: BRP Devils Backbone - n of Roanoke. 43 miles
    Day 755: Roanoke
    Day 756: BRP Roanoke - Highest point in Virginia. 32 miles
    Day 757: BRP Highest point virginia - Whetstone Ridge. 52 miles
    Day 758: BRP Whetstone Ridge - Skyline Drive mlepost 102. 42 miles
    Day 759: Skyline Drive - Loft Mtn Campground. 25 miles
    Day 760: SD Loft Mtn - Upper Hawksbill. 35 miles
    Day 761: SD Upper Hawksbill - Low Gap. 38 miles
    Day 762: SD Low Gap - Round Hill. 50 miles
    Day 763: Round Hill - Washington DC. 58 miles
    Day 764-5: Washington DC
    Day 766: Washington DC - Baltimore. 49 miles
    Day 767: Baltimore - nr Quarryville. 62 miles
    Day 767: Quarryville - Collegeville. 50 miles
    Day 768: Collegeville - Philadelphia. 29miles
    Day 769: Philadelphia.
    Day 770: Philadelphia - New Hope. 52 miles
    Day 771: New Hope - Harmony (Philipsburg). 41 miles
    Day 772-782: Harmony
    Day 783: Harmony - Randolph. 39 miles
    Day 784: Randolph - New York City. 56 miles
    Day 785-787: New York City
    Day 788- 794: Travelling east across Atlantic Ocean on Cruise Ship
    Day 795: Southampton - Widley. 22miles
    Day 796: Widley - Brighton. 56 miles
    Day 797-798: Brighton
    Day 799: Brighton - Reigate. 40 miles
    Day 800: Reigate - London. 31 miles.
    Total miles cycled from London round the world to London = 18,200 miles